Development of Computational Methods 수치해석 기법개발
Viscoelastic flow simulations
DEVSS기반의 점탄성 고분자유동에 대한 유한요소 수치해석기법개발
점탄성 유체에 분산된 입자와 유체의 수력학적 상호작용해석을 위한 직접수치해석기법 개발
점탄성 유동해석에서의 O(N)성능의 반복해석기법개발
W.R. Hwang, M.A. Hulsen, H.E.H. Meijer (2004) "Direct simulations of particle suspensions in a viscoelastic fluid in sliding bi-periodic frames," Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 121(1), p.15-33.
W.R. Hwang, G.W.M. Peters, M.A. Hulsen, H.E.H. Meijer (2006) "Modeling of flow-induced crystallization of particle-filled polymers," Macromolecules, 39(24), p.8389-8398.
W.R. Hwang, M.A. Hulsen (2011) "Structure formation of non-colloidal particles in viscoelastic fluids subject to simple shear flow," Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 296(3-4), p.321-330.
W.R. Hwang, W.R. Kim, E.S. Lee, J.H. Park (2011) " Direct simulations of orientational dispersion of platelet particles in a viscoelastic fluid subjected to a partial drag flow for effective coloring of polymers," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal (Special Memorial Issue of Late Professor Tai Hun Kwon), 23(3), p.173-181.
W.R. Hwang, M.A. Walkley, O.G. Harlen (2011) "A fast and efficient iterative scheme for viscoelastic flow simulations with the DEVSS finite element method," Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 166(7-8), p.354-362.
Solid/liquid flow simulations
입자와 유체의 수력학적 상호작용을 고려한 유한요소법 기반의 직접수치해석 기법개발
W.R. Hwang, M.A. Hulsen, H.E.H. Meijer (2004) "Direct simulation of particle suspensions in sliding bi-periodic frames," Journal of Computational Physics, 194(2), p.742-772.
W.R. Hwang, M.A. Hulsen, H.E.H. Meijer (2004) "Direct simulations of particle suspensions in a viscoelastic fluid in sliding bi-periodic frames," Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 121(1), p.15-33.
W.R. Hwang, P.D. Anderson, M.A. Hulsen (2005) "Chaotic advection in a cavity flow with rigid particles," Physics of Fluids, 17(4), 043602.
H.T. Chung, S.H. Kang, W.R. Hwang (2005) "Numerical simulations of elliptic particle suspensions in sliding bi-periodic frames," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 17(4), p.171-180.
W.R. Hwang, G.W.M. Peters, M.A. Hulsen, H.E.H. Meijer (2006) "Modeling of flow-induced crystallization of particle-filled polymers," Macromolecules, 39(24), p.8389-8398.
W.R. Hwang, M.A. Hulsen (2006) "Direct numerical simulations of hard particle suspensions in planar elongational flow," Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 136(2-3), p.167-178.
J.S. Myong, W.R. Hwang, H. Y. Won, K.H. Ahn, S.J. Lee (2007) "Finite element analysis of elastic solid/Stokes flow interaction problem," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 19(4), p.233-242.
W.R. Hwang, W.R. Kim, S.H. Kang, S.J. Kim (2009) "Direct simulations of 2D mold-filling processes of particle-filled fluids," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 21(3), p.193-200.
H.J. Jeong, W.R. Hwang, C. Kim, S.J. Kim (2010) "Numerical simulations of capillary spreadings of a particle-laden droplet on a solid substrate," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 210(2), p.297-305.
W.R. Hwang, S.G. Advani, S. Walsh (2011) "Direct simulations of particle deposition and filtration in dual-scale porous media," Composites Part A, 42(10), p.1344-1352.
W.R. Hwang, W.R. Kim, E.S. Lee, J.H. Park (2011) " Direct simulations of orientational dispersion of platelet particles in a viscoelastic fluid subjected to a partial drag flow for effective coloring of polymers," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal (Special Memorial Issue of Late Professor Tai Hun Kwon), 23(3), p.173-181.
Liquid/liquid flow simulations
표면장력효과를 고려한 에멀전계의 유한요소법 기반의 유동해석 기법개발
S.J. Kim and W.R. Hwang (2007) "Direct numerical simulations of droplet emulsions in sliding bi-periodic frames using the level-set method," Journal of Computational Physics, 225(1), p.615-634.
S.J. Kim, W.R. Hwang, K.H. Lim, H.S. Shin (2008) "Numerical simulations of drop deformation in a cylindrical tube using moving and fixed grid methods," International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22(9-11), p.1552-1557.
S.J. Kim, W.R. Hwang (2011) " Transient stresses of two-dimensional model droplet emulsions subjected to simple shear flow by numerical simulations," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal (Special Memorial Issue of Late Professor Tai Hun Kwon), 23(3), p.163-171.
Flow simulations through porous media
다공질 유동해석 및 이중스케일 다공질 유동해석 기법개발
J.F. Wang and W.R. Hwang (2008) "Permeability predicition of fibrous porous media in a bi-periodic domain," Journal of Composite Materials, 42(9), p.909-929.
H. Liu, W.R. Hwang (2009) "Transient filling simulations in unidirectional fibrous porous media," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 21(1), p.71-79.
W.R. Hwang, S.G. Advani (2010) "Numerical simulations of Stokes-Brinkman equations for permeability prediction of dual-scale fibrous porous media," Physics of Fluids, 22(11), 113101.
J.F. Wang, W.R. Hwang (2011) "Transverse mobility prediction of non-Newtonian fluids across fibrous porous media," Journal of Composite Materials, 45(8), p.883-893.
W.R. Hwang, S.G. Advani, S. Walsh (2011) "Direct simulations of particle deposition and filtration in dual-scale porous media," Composites Part A, 42(10), p.1344-1352.
H.L. Liu, W.R. Hwang (2012) " Permeability prediction of fibrous porous media with complex 3D architectures," Composites Part A, 43, 2030-2038.
H.L. Liu, J.S. Moon, W.R. Hwang "Numerical simulations of a shear-thinning fluid through packed spheres," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, submitted.
Free-surface flow simulations
입자분산 유체의 잉크젯 프린팅 공정해석 기법개발 및 사출성형 유동선단해석기법 개발
W.R. Hwang, W.R. Kim, S.H. Kang, S.J. Kim (2009) "Direct simulations of 2D mold-filling processes of particle-filled fluids," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 21(3), p.193-200.
H.J. Jeong, W.R. Hwang, C. Kim, S.J. Kim (2010) "Numerical simulations of capillary spreadings of a particle-laden droplet on a solid substrate," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 210(2), p.297-305.
H.J. Jeong, C. Kim, W.R. Hwang (2012) "Numerical simulations of the impact and spreading of a particulate drop on a solid substrate," Modelling and Simulations in Engineering, accepted for publication.
Fast iterative solvers for highly constrained flow problems
점탄성 유동해석에서의 O(N)성능의 반복해석기법개발 (Krylov subspace method and algebraic multigrid method)
W.R. Hwang, M.A. Walkley, O.G. Harlen (2011) "A fast and efficient iterative scheme for viscoelastic flow simulations with the DEVSS finite element method," Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 166(7-8), p.354-362.