Journal Papers
International Journal Papers
Gao, X., Kim, H. B., & Hwang, W. R. (2024). Flow modeling in a metering section of a single screw extruder with a small helix angle based on the energy dissipation rate. In Polymer Engineering & Science. Wiley.
Y.B. Jin, G.X. Ding, W.R. Hwang, H.B. Kim (2025) "Quantitative investigation of slug flow in an inclined pipeline," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 239, 126580 (April 2025)
H.K. Jang, Y. Oh, W.R. Hwang (2025) "Experimental in-situ viscosity measurement of polymer melts in a film extrusion die," Chemical Engineering Science, 205, 121139 (Febuary 2025).
H.K. Jang, Y. Oh, W.R. Hwang (2025) "A unified method for the mobility prediction of an inelastic non-Newtonian fluid through a complex porous media," Transport in Porous Media, 152 (1), 6 (January 2025).
X. Gao, H.B. Kim, W.R. Hwang (2024) "Flow modeling in a metering section of a single screw extruder with a small helix angle based on the energy dissipation rate," Polymer Engineering & Science, (December 2024).
X. Gao, W.R. Hwang (2024) "Identification of viscoelastic properties with fluid inertia in a parallel plate with effective mechanical system analyses," Physics of Fluids, 36 (12), 123109 (December 2024).
X. Gao, B.M. Lee, W.R. Hwang (2024) "Quantification of flows in a rectangular channel of a single screw extruder with a small helix angle based on the energy dissipation rate," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 36(4), (November 2024).
H. Lee, J.H. Lee, H.J. Ahn, W.R. Hwang, K.S. Cho (2024) "Scaling of the linear viscoelasticity of entangled poly(ethylene oxide) aqueous solutions," Journal of Rheology, 68(4), 509-522 (May 2024).
A. Hussain, J. Rahmannezhad, G.M. Choi, S.G. Kim, W.R. Hwang, J. Yoon, H.S. Lee (2023) "Hyper-elastic behavior of soft-tissue like microgels in two-phase converging microchannel flow," Physics of Fluids, 35, 122001 (December 2023).
B.M. Lee, X. Gao, H.S. Kim, W.R. Hwang (2023) "Flow modeling for conveying sections in a co-rotating twin-screw extruder based on energy dissipation rate for continuous mixing of lithium-ion battery slurries," Chemical Engineering Science, 281, 119113 (5 November 2023).
H.J. Jo, S.M. Han, Y.J. Kim, W.R. Hwang (2023) "Experimental viscosity monitoring in complex pipe systems for flows of drilling muds based on the energy dissipation rate," Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 228, 211942, (September 2023).
X. Gao, S.M. Han, W.R. Hwang (2023) "Flow modeling and in-situ viscosity monitoring for a combined rotational and pressure-driven flow of a non-Newtonian fluid through a concentric annulus," Physics of Fluids, 35, 083114 (August 2023).
J. Chen, N.S. Woo, W.R. Hwang (2023) "Analytical study of effective Navier-slip and Stokes-Brinkman coupling for a dual-scale flow in a narrow channel over/inside unidirectional fibrous porous media," Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 27 (27), 57 (August 2023).
J.H. Lee, W.R. Hwang, K.S. Cho (2023) "Direct simulation of viscoelastic-viscoelastic emulsions in sliding bi-periodic frames using Cahn–Hilliard formulation," Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 318, 105061 (August 2023).
Y. Kwak, H.Y. Jun, G. Kim, H.J. Ahn, W.R. Hwang, G.H. Ryu, S.O. Ryu, S. Kim, B. Brigljevic, A. Ni, H. Lim, C.H. Choi (2023) "Flow-assisted ultrasonic exfoliation enabling scalable and rapid graphene production for efficient inkjet printable graphene ink," Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 62, 9755-9762 (June 2023).
H.J. Jo, S.H. Hong, B.M. Lee, Y.J. Kim, W.R. Hwang, S.Y. Kim (2023) "High energy dissipation-based process to improve the rheological properties of bentonite drilling muds by reducing the particle size," Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 92, 106246, (January 2023).
J.H. Lee, W.R. Hwang, K.S. Cho (2022) " Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard formulation in sliding biperiodic frames for the simulation of two-phase flows," Journal of Computational Physics, 471, 111614, (15 December 2022).
S.C. Cho, J. Kim, I. Jo, J.H. Park, J. Lee, H.U. Hong, B.H. Lee, W.R. Hwang, D.W. Suh, S.K. Lee, S.B. Lee (2022) "Effect of molybdenum on interfacial properties of titanium carbide reinforced Fe composite," Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 107, 252-258.
J.G. Lu, S.B. Lee, T.S. Lundstrom, W.R. Hwang (2022) "Numerical simulation on void formation and migration using Stokes-Brinkman coupling with effective dual-scale fibrous porous media," Composites Part A, 152, 106683.
J.H. Lee, W.R. Hwang, K.S. Cho (2021) "Effect of stress diffusion on the Oldroyd-B fluid flow past a confined cylinder," Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 297, 104650.
J. Chen, W.R. Hwang (2021) "Shear rheology of circular particle suspensions in a Bingham fluid using numerical simulations," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 33(3), 273-282.
H.J. Jo, Y.J. Kim, W.R. Hwang (2021) "Enhancement of mixing performance with anchor-type impellers via chaotic advection," Chemical Engineering Science, 243, 116757.
J. Chen, S.M. Han, W.R. Hwang (2020) "Effective Navier-slip in non-Newtonian fluid flows over corrugated surfaces," Physics of Fluids, 32, 113103.
J. Chen, Y.J. Kim, W.R. Hwang (2020) "General criteria for the estimation of effective slip length over corrugated surfaces," Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 24, 68.
J.G. Lu, S.C. Cho, W.R. Hwang (2020) "On the interfacial flow over porous media composed of packed spheres: Part 1-Identification of the effective slip length," Transport in Porous Media, 133(1), p.139-157.
J.G. Lu, W.R. Hwang (2020) "On the interfacial flow over porous media composed of packed spheres: Part 2-Optimal Stokes-Brinkman coupling with effective Navier-slip approach," Transport in Porous Media, 132(2), p. 405-421.
H.J. Jo, Y.J. Kim, W.R. Hwang (2020) "Comparative numerical and experimental investigation of process viscometry for flows in an agitator with a flat blade turbine impeller," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 32(2), p. 137-144.
H.K. Jang, S.O. Hong, S.B Lee, J.M. Kim, W.R. Hwang (2019) "Viscosity measurement of non-Newtonian fluids in pressure-driven flows of general geometries based on energy dissipation rate," Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 274, 104204.
J.G. Lu, N.S. Woo, W.R. Hwang (2019) "The optimal Stokes-Brinkman coupling for 2D transverse flows in dual-scale fibrous porous media using the effective Navier slip approach," Physics of Fluids, 31(7), 073108.
K.H. Lim, W.R. Hwang, S.J. Kim (2019) "A finite elment technique for flows in the single-screw extruder using a partial periodic unit," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 31(1), p.59-67.
S.H. Hong, H.J. Jo, M.J. Choi, H. W. Jang, Y.J. Kim, W.R. Hwang, S. Y. Kim (2019) "Influence of MoS2 nanosheet size on performance of drilling mud," Polymers, 11(Feb 2019), 321 (p. 1-14).
T.T. Tran, T.T. Vo, S.C. Cho, D.H. Lee, W.R. Hwang (2018) "A stir casting system for drawdown of light particles in manufacturing of metal matrix composites," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 257(July 2018), p. 123-131.
H.K. Jang, W.R. Hwang (2018) " A general approach on the quantification of effective quantities in a pressure-driven flow of inelastic non-Newtonian fluid in arbitrary geometries based on the energy balance," Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 253(March 2018), p. 7-15.
H.J. Jo, H.K. Jang, Y.J. Kim, W.R. Hwang (2018) "Analyses of dynamical systems structures and mixing patterns in an anchor agitator," Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 51(2), p. 136-142.
H.J. Jo, H.K. Jang, Y.J. Kim, W.R. Hwang (2017) "Process viscometry of non-Newtonian fluids using an anchor agitator," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 29(4), p. 317-323.
J.G. Lu, H.K. Jang, W.R. Hwang (2017) "Data on the anisotropic interfacial slip length over fibrous porous media," Data in Brief, 13, August 2017, p. 453-459.
J.G. Lu, H.K. Jang, W.R. Hwang (2017) "Characterization on the anisotropic slip for flows over unidirectional fibrous porous media for advanced composites manufacturing," Composites Part A, 100(3), p.9-19.
H.L. Liu, J.F. Wang, W.R. Hwang (2017) "Flow resistance of viscoelastic flows in fibrous porous media," Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 246, p.21-30.
T.T. Tran, E.G. Lee, I.S. Lee, W.R. Hwang (2016) "Hydrodynamic extensional stress during the bubble bursting process for bioreactor system design," Korea Australia Rheology Journal, 28(4), p.315-326.
H.K. Jang, Y.J. Kim, N.S. Woo, W.R. Hwang (2016) "Tensorial Navier-slip boundary conditions for patterned surfaces for fluid mixing: numerical simulations and experiments," AIChE Journal, 62, p.4574-4585.
M. Yeager, W.R. Hwang, S.G. Advani (2016) "Prediction of capillary pressure for resin flow between fibers," Composites Science and Technology, 126, p.130-138.
Y.B. Bae, H.K. Jang, T.H. Shin, G. Phukan, T.T. Tran, G. Lee, W.R. Hwang, J.M. Kim (2016) "Microfluidic assessment of mechanical cell damage by extensional stress," Lab on a Chip, 16(1), 96-103.
This paper is selected as the back cover issue of RCS Lab Chip, 16(1), 2016.H.L. Liu, M.K. Um, W.R. Hwang (2015) "A scaling rule for the flow mobility of a power-law fluid in unidirectional fibrous porous media," Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 224. 40-50.
J.B. You, K. Kang, H. Park, T.T. Tran, W.R. Hwang, J.M. Kim, S.G. Im (2015) "PDMS-based turbulent microfluidic mixer," Lab on a Chip, 15, 1727-1735.
J.J. Gangloff, W.R. Hwang, S.G. Advani (2015) "The investigation of bubble mobility in channel flow with wavy porous media walls," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 70(April 2015), p.1-15.
Y.M. Park, D.H. Lee, W.R. Hwang, S.B. Lee, S.I. Jung (2014) "Hydrodynamics of CNT dispersion in high shear dispersion mixers," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 26(4), p.347-353.
J.J. Gangloff, W.R. Hwang, S.G. Advani (2014) "Characterization of bubble mobility in channel flow with fibrous porous media walls," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 60(1) 79-86.
H.L. Liu, X.C. Tu, J.O. Lee, H.B. Kim, W.R. Hwang (2014) "Visualization of resin impregnation through opaque reinforcement textiles during the VARTM process using ultrasound," Journal of Composite Materials, 48(9), 1113-1120..
W.R. Hwang, O.G. Harlen, M.A. Walkley (2013) "An efficient iterative scheme for the highly constrained augmented Stokes problem for the numerical simulation of flows in porous media," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 25(1), 55-64..
H.L. Liu, J.S. Moon, W.R. Hwang (2012) " Numerical simulations of a shear-thinning fluid through packed spheres," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 24(4), 297-306.
H.J. Jeong, C. Kim, W.R. Hwang (2012) " Numerical simulations of the impact and spreading of a particulate drop on a solid substrate," Modelling and Simulations in Engineering, 2012, Article ID 687961, doi:10.1155/2012/687961.
H.L. Liu, W.R. Hwang (2012) " Permeability prediction of fibrous porous media with complex 3D architectures," Composites Part A, 43, 2030-2038.
S.J. Kim, W.R. Hwang (2011) " Transient stresses of two-dimensional model droplet emulsions subjected to simple shear flow by numerical simulations," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal (Special Memorial Issue of Late Professor Tai Hun Kwon), 23(3), p.163-171.
W.R. Hwang, W.R. Kim, E.S. Lee, J.H. Park (2011) " Direct simulations of orientational dispersion of platelet particles in a viscoelastic fluid subjected to a partial drag flow for effective coloring of polymers," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal (Special Memorial Issue of Late Professor Tai Hun Kwon), 23(3), p.173-181.
W.R. Hwang, S.G. Advani, S. Walsh (2011) "Direct simulations of particle deposition and filtration in dual-scale porous media," Composites Part A, 42(10), p.1344-1352.
J.F. Wang, W.R. Hwang (2011) "Transverse mobility prediction of non-Newtonian fluids across fibrous porous media," Journal of Composite Materials, 45(8), p.883-893.
W.R. Hwang, M.A. Walkley, O.G. Harlen (2011) "A fast and efficient iterative scheme for viscoelastic flow simulations with the DEVSS finite element method," Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 166(7-8), p.354-362.
W.R. Hwang, M.A. Hulsen (2011) "Structure formation of non-colloidal particles in viscoelastic fluids subject to simple shear flow," Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 296(3-4), p.321-330.
W.R. Hwang, S.G. Advani (2010) "Numerical simulations of Stokes-Brinkman equations for permeability prediction of dual-scale fibrous porous media," Physics of Fluids, 22(11), 113101.
H.J. Jeong, W.R. Hwang, C. Kim, S.J. Kim (2010) "Numerical simulations of capillary spreadings of a particle-laden droplet on a solid substrate," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 210(2), p.297-305.
J.F. Wang, H. Mao, W.R. Hwang (2010) "Experimental investigation on electrospray of twin-fluid atomization," Chemical Engineering Communications, 197(2), p. 213-222.
W.R. Hwang, W.R. Kim, S.H. Kang, S.J. Kim (2009) "Direct simulations of 2D mold-filling processes of particle-filled fluids," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 21(3), p.193-200.
H. Liu, W.R. Hwang (2009) "Transient filling simulations in unidirectional fibrous porous media," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 21(1), p.71-79.
J.F. Wang and W.R. Hwang (2008) "Permeability predicition of fibrous porous media in a bi-periodic domain," Journal of Composite Materials, 42(9), p.909-929.
S.J. Kim, W.R. Hwang, K.H. Lim, H.S. Shin (2008) "Numerical simulations of drop deformation in a cylindrical tube using moving and fixed grid methods," International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22(9-11), p.1552-1557.
J.S. Myong, W.R. Hwang, H. Y. Won, K.H. Ahn, S.J. Lee (2007) "Finite element analysis of elastic solid/Stokes flow interaction problem," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 19(4), p.233-242.
S.J. Kim and W.R. Hwang (2007) "Direct numerical simulations of droplet emulsions in sliding bi-periodic frames using the level-set method," Journal of Computational Physics, 225(1), p.615-634.
W.R. Hwang, M.A. Hulsen (2006) "Toward the computational rheometry of filled polymeric fluids," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 18(4), p.171-181.
W.R. Hwang, G.W.M. Peters, M.A. Hulsen, H.E.H. Meijer (2006) "Modeling of flow-induced crystallization of particle-filled polymers," Macromolecules, 39(24), p.8389-8398.
W.R. Hwang, M.A. Hulsen (2006) "Direct numerical simulations of hard particle suspensions in planar elongational flow," Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 136(2-3), p.167-178.
H.T. Chung, S.H. Kang, W.R. Hwang (2005) "Numerical simulations of elliptic particle suspensions in sliding bi-periodic frames," Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 17(4), p.171-180.
W.R. Hwang, P.D. Anderson, M.A. Hulsen (2005) "Chaotic advection in a cavity flow with rigid particles," Physics of Fluids, 17(4), 043602.
H.S. Jun, W.R. Hwang, T.H. Kwon (2004) "Experiments on characteristic deformation and breakup behaviors of an immiscible drop in a screw channel flow," International Polymer Processing, 19(3), p.218-224.
W.R. Hwang, M.A. Hulsen, H.E.H. Meijer (2004) "Direct simulations of particle suspensions in a viscoelastic fluid in sliding bi-periodic frames," Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 121(1), p.15-33.
This paper was selected as the number one article out of the 25 hottest articles in Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics during the period of July to September in 2004. See an image capture here and the link to the top 25 page of the Journal provided by ScienceDirect.W.R. Hwang, K.W. Kang, T.H. Kwon (2004) "Dynamical systems in pin mixers of single-screw extruders," AIChE Journal, 50(7), p.1372-1385.
W.R. Hwang, M.A. Hulsen, H.E.H. Meijer (2004) "Direct simulation of particle suspensions in sliding bi-periodic frames," Journal of Computational Physics, 194(2), p.742-772.
W.R. Hwang, T.H. Kwon (2003) "Chaotic volumetric transports in a single-screw extrusion process," Polymer Engineering & Science, 43(4), p.783-797.
W.R. Hwang, T.H. Kwon (2002) "Resonant and invariant advection in single screw extrusion," International Polymer Processing, 17(4), pp. 309-317.
W.R. Hwang, H.S. Jun, T.H. Kwon (2002) "Experiments on chaotic mixing in a screw channel flow," AIChE Journal, 48(8), p.1621-1630.
W.R. Hwang, T.H. Kwon (2000) "Dynamical systems modeling of chaos single-screw extrusion process and its three-dimensional numerical analysis," Polymer Engineering & Science, 40(3), p.702-714.
Korean Journal Papers
유현동, 최현우, 이병민, 김한성, 황욱렬 (2024) " 이차전지 슬러리용 파일럿 점도 모니터링 시스템 개발 및 검증," 대한기계학회 논문집B권, 48(3), p.203-210.
박범철, 조해진, 김영주, 황욱렬 (2022) " 헬리컬리본 임펠러를 포함한 유성믹서유동의 동역학계 구조분석과 유동정량화," 대한기계학회 논문집B권, 46(12), p.661-668.
이선호, 조해진, 장선도, 황욱렬 (2021) "에너지 소산 기반 유동정량화 기법을 이용한 교반 유동에서의 실시간 점도모니터링," 대한기계학회 논문집B권, 45(1), p.41-48.
이선호, 조해진, 이종욱, 황욱렬 (2021) "에너지 소산 기반 유동정량화 기법을 이용한 모델 금형 내 비뉴턴 유체의 점도모니터링," 대한기계학회 논문집A권, 45(1), p.43-50.
황욱렬, M.A. Hulsen, H.E.H. Meijer (2009) "미세입자분산 고분자 현탁액의 3차원 직접수치해석," 한국전산유체공학회지, 14(4), p.101-108.
정현준, 황욱렬, 김종엽 (2008) "미세입자분산 액적의 고체면에서 충돌과 퍼짐현상에 관한 직접수치해석 기법개발," 한국전산유체공학회지, 13(3), p.8-13.
황욱렬, 정현준, 김시조, 김종엽 (2007) "미세입자분산 액적의 고체면에서 모세퍼짐 현상에 관한 직접수치해석 기법개발," 한국전산유체공학회지, 12(4), p.14-19.
황욱렬, 권태헌(1998) "카오스 단축압출기의 3차원 카오스 혼합해석," 유변학 (The Korean Journal of Rheology) 10(8), p.121-130.
Miscellaneous Journal Publications
김영주, 한상목, 우남섭, 황욱렬, 김수영, 김승광(2020) "이수순환 모니터링 및 제어시스템 기술," 기계저널(테마기획) 60(5), p.46-51 (Invited paper).
H.L. Liu, W.R. Hwang (2008) "Numerical simulations of void transport in unidirectional fiber arrays in resin transfer molding process," Journal of Materials Engineering, 2008 (Additional Issue 1), p.35-38.
황욱렬, 권태헌(2002) "카오스 이론과 유체혼합: 3차원 혼합의 적용예를 중심으로," 기계저널(테마기획) 42(4), p.42-45 (Invited paper).
W.R. Hwang, T.H. Kwon (1998) "Mixing enhancement of single-screw extrusion process via chaotic flows," Journal of Japan Society of Polymer Processing, 10(8), p.620-626 (Invited paper).